Nurse Nerds Makes a Splash at NSNA

Apr 25, 2017 | Our Activities

Exam Master made a national splash at the National Student Nurses Association 65th annual convention in Dallas with Nurse Nerds. Nurse Nerds is Exam Master’s special brand and product community for nursing students at all levels of their education and professional development. Nurse Nerds is based on the crazy idea that nurses are important, becoming one is demanding, and that nurses take themselves and what they do seriously. So do we.
A nerdy nurse? Sounds crazy, but the more folks we talk to about it the more buzz we are getting. Yes, every business and organization seek to set themselves apart, to differentiate themselves from competitors and collaborators alike. Our decision to build a new brand and new community for nursing another board preparation resource were not going to cut it. This is true even though we are very good at building board preparation resources!

So, after much research and exploration, our marketing team came up with the idea that nursing students do want to be taken seriously, they are proud of what they accomplish, and to be a “Nerd” for nursing was actually ok. So, our goal is to build a community where we can help nursing students at all stages of their development, from when they first enter nursing school, to the challenging work of developing expertise as an advanced practice nurse. The Nurse Nerds community of aspiring nurses will benefit from our readiness program, our self-student resources to help with course work, and of course, our board preparation resources based on the Exam Master Advantage platform. Most important, though, we hope they benefit by connecting with one another.

For more information on Nurse Nerds please visit

Related Topics: Community // Conferences // NCLEX-RN // Nurses // Nursing